Its getting kinda hot
Summer days

are hellsa boring when you live in fcking Elk Grove. Damn, can't wait till college then after it I can move to $F or NY or something. When you go outside here, theres nothing but quietness and houses. Not only do I live in the most boring town, I live with the strictest mom ever. Those two do not mix. That just means I stay home all day doing nothing. Some people actaully manage to have fun even living in Elk Grove, cos they just go out a lot. Around to the few shopping centers that we have. And sometimes they even go more out to other towns. Lucky them. Even Sac is better than here. Plus, our schools are boring too. There's not much to do and we have no lockers or anything. And it's amazing that I actually have internet right now, cos usually my mom take the modem for the internet reception, but I found it hidden in her closet today. Lmao, yeah hella gay. Yup, that's how I live. Ahaha;
I’ve learned
Summer goals;
visit jenny in monterey
hang out with bff
sunsplashh, yes
lose my stomach fat
learn how to cook stuff
go to the great mall :]
improve volleyball skills
take too many pictures
get a webcamm haha
get a better phone plan
get a new ipod, mmhm
decorate my walls
swimming at alyssas
An inconvenient truth
yay, but wtf, I'm not happy at all.
I don't think people really wanna hang out with me cos Im excluded for a reason.
Jenny's party would've been fun, but
I didn't have enough time to do my hair.
At the restaurant, I was the oddball, the only exclusion
who didnt have anyone to share food with.
Everyone was all paired except me.
At Jenny's house I feel very ignored.
And no one let me play rockband.
It's boring just to watch almost the entire time.
And people kept bringing up S7.
Aaandd I had to leave at like 11.
Early. Oh well.
My bestfriend is leaving me.
I've lost two bestfriends this year.
Everyone thinks I'm annoying.
My ex-boyfriend hates me.
Our relationship was soo fake.
I miss my daddy.
My mom's working too hard.
I am stressed out.
I have so many problems.
I've been through too much crap.
God, you're unfair.
Everyone else seems to be loved so much.
They're all included in their groups of friends.
I seem to be all by myself.
God, where are you?
Are you here but maybe I just can't see you?
What am I doing wrong?
God, please help me.
Because I am very hurt right now.
Please fix me before I break.
God, I need you.
Highlights of this month..
and uhmmm well it wasnt all that bad this month.
I never really get to go on here on weekdays, so I'm updating for the month.
Spring Fling May 8
Sophia's bday party May 16
Community Service hours due May 27
VVV Spring Fling
Health is actually my favorite class weirdly.
It supposed to be boring, but its the best of all my classes.
VVV health
Hella Confused..
Jenny's going away
Community Service
I think we're all drifting away from each other.
People are a lot like stars. The world is a lot like the universe. There are stars of all different kinds of sizes. There are people of all different kinds of sizes. There are many different types of stars. There are many different types of people. Stars get old, grow bigger, and then explode. People get old, grow bigger, and then die. The universe has a lot of galaxies of stars. The world has a lot of groups of friends. According to the scientific theories, the universe is expanding. I believe in science, because there is chemistry. You and me mixed together creates something totally new. As the universe gets older, the more all the stars and galaxies are drifting away from each other. The older we get, the more we all drift away from each other.